Tuesday, June 23, 2009


This is the commemorative last post from Scotland.

Well, if you take out the commemorative bit.

Flying home tomorrow afternoon; it'll be about an eight-hour flight, give or take half an hour, so it'll kind of be a long day. If you don't hear from me, it's probably because either security decided I was dangerous ("Why are you carrying candles?" "Just in case there's a blizzard and we get stuck.") or we crashed in a fiery ball of death.

Or because I got home safely. Either way, no worries.

When I get back, I hope to have more time to catch up on recording my adventures -- but on the other hand, I'll have access to video games again.

It's a bit of a toss up, I think.

Anyway, this concludes the Glasgow part of Notes from Glasgow, soon to be continued with Notes from Glasgow from Canada.

Catch you all later with more fuzzy pictures and long-winded anecdotes.

Oh, and depending on how they turned out, I might just have a couple of video clips of buskers on Buchanan Street. Yay, kilts. I mean, bagpipes.

P.S. Irn Bru still tastes like carbonated bubblegum. Moderately tasty carbonated bubblegum, but still flourescent orange carbonated bubblegum.


rapidroy said...

da-dah-daaaa (The Last Post)

I have enjoyed your posts, as have numerous others -- followers and periodic visitors to whom we have passed on the link. Thanks for keeping us up to date. May your trip home be stress-free. If stopped for your candles, tell them you thought this flight was on the wick-end. :-)

El Almirante said...

OOOOOH My Dear Wiggle is on her way home! I was not sure when you were coming home, so I have been praying for weeks you would have a safe trip home. Although, that crashing in a fiery ball of death sounds VERY Marsh-wiggle of you. Something akin to "On the bright side of things, if we get arrested for being terrorists that will save us from crashing in a fiery ball of death."

Video games are good....I dunno though.....video games vs. Scotland. That IS a tough choice.

Kilts! hehehe Yeah I like them too. *ahem* and bagpipes.

Carbonated bubbblegum? What...run out of Jelly Babies? :P

Welcome Home my dear Wiggle! We missed you!