Wednesday, March 31, 2010

In lieu of actual pictures, an anecdote.

So, I'd be using my faux-Scottish accent -- it may be pretentious, but it was usually unconscious and, if I may say it, rather good -- and people who knew I was from Canada would ask where I was from.

Still using said accent, I would pronounce it exactly (and I have an excellent ear, if poor phonetic typing) the way they did: "Al-BAIR-tah."

Confused look: "Where?"

Patient and measured repetition: "Al-BAIR-tah."

Continued confusion: "Where?"

Giving up, I'd then pronounce it in as Western Canadian an accent as I could muster: "...'lBURDa."

"Ohhh, Al-BAIR-tah!"


Thursday, November 19, 2009

You knew Christmas was supposed to be heart-warming. Did you know it could be epic?

Without a doubt, Trans-Siberian Orchestra has the most amazing showmanship I have seen. As to the music itself: you may or may not have noticed that I am, in fact, very good with words. Yet for some reason, I have none.

They did O Fortuna.

O Fortuna!

Monday, October 5, 2009

What was that about catching up?
If you haven't given up on me entirely, have some more random December pictures; these are when I was walking home after the Christmas banquet.

The clouds were really, really pretty that particular afternoon/evening. The lavender on the left and the pink on the right were on a collision course. It took them a while.

And this is the library across the place where I stayed.

I'm very fond of libraries.

Well... forgive my spelling, but "Sannu, sannu, bata hana zua."

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

More random pictures from Glasgow, from December again.
One day I will catch up.
No, really.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


This is the commemorative last post from Scotland.

Well, if you take out the commemorative bit.

Flying home tomorrow afternoon; it'll be about an eight-hour flight, give or take half an hour, so it'll kind of be a long day. If you don't hear from me, it's probably because either security decided I was dangerous ("Why are you carrying candles?" "Just in case there's a blizzard and we get stuck.") or we crashed in a fiery ball of death.

Or because I got home safely. Either way, no worries.

When I get back, I hope to have more time to catch up on recording my adventures -- but on the other hand, I'll have access to video games again.

It's a bit of a toss up, I think.

Anyway, this concludes the Glasgow part of Notes from Glasgow, soon to be continued with Notes from Glasgow from Canada.

Catch you all later with more fuzzy pictures and long-winded anecdotes.

Oh, and depending on how they turned out, I might just have a couple of video clips of buskers on Buchanan Street. Yay, kilts. I mean, bagpipes.

P.S. Irn Bru still tastes like carbonated bubblegum. Moderately tasty carbonated bubblegum, but still flourescent orange carbonated bubblegum.

Friday, June 19, 2009

I did something interesting the day before yesterday, but I'm not telling you what it is yet.

Ireland was fantastic. I'll have lots to say (and 450+ pictures) on that point later. For now: pretty!

Alas, Jenny is leaving me today, so my attention will be otherwise occupied for another five or six hours. After that, I have to find a new excuse.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Glasgow in the fall (yes, it's been a while)

Um, have some random pictures of Glasgow from October?

Lazy? Me?

See also: reasons why I shouldn't have a camera.

The last ones are the kind of pictures I prefer to take. Scenery just doesn't compare to tables and chairs.
