Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy Christmas, merry New Year, and a belated happy birthday to everyone.



Natalie said...

Puddleglum, WHY won't you let me follow your blog. I've had it bookmarked since you created it, and now I've created this account to follow you and ada and I can't "follow" you.

Also, merry Christmas, happy New Year and happy belated birthday to you too.

I'm jealous of your over-seas adventures, voila let me finally say it.


Christina said...

I don't know why you can't follow me - technologicaly inept, yay! - but I found you. :D

How long has it been now, two years? Three?

Natalie said...
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Natalie said...

It might have to do with the blog template, I have no idea. *waves fist* I'll figure something out.

How long since more than one-sided communication? ;D Several. I was keeping up on your Xanga from a distance (I still get the odd subscription e-mail) but never had the guts to comment... which seems a bit silly in retrospect. So I said, no more! So here I am. Plus I sort of love Blogger.

GAH. And sorry about this double-posting nonsense, I just figured out how to get e-mails for "follow-up comments" and wanted to... get those. Yep.

Christina said...

Heh, yes, Blogger is distinctly prettier. Of course, that's led to me having about... five.

It looks like you figured it out (better than I would've!). It always gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling to note a follower to a blog.

But yes. Be sure and keep in touch! I'll try to reciprocate.



rapidroy said...

all appropriate greetings were received in a timely manner. Now I assume you will see I am "officially" following your blog too.

Natalie said...

I believe this might be my second. When they were acquired by Google I somehow stopped being able to access my account and so abandoned it. Hopefully it didn't mind too much.

And yes I did! Product of having too much time on my hands. (It was on the dashboard; I just had to add the blog's URL.)

Will do! I don't know how much I'll actually be updating my page (I'm expecting a case of lots-of-updates-until-the-newness-wears-off), but I'll definitely be around!