Saturday, September 20, 2008

Back in Glasgow

Raj has helped me with my wireless connection for the third time, so I'm back. Let's see if I can stick around this time.

A brief note: banking. Just... banking.

I vandalized one of the pamphlets to make myself feel better. My favourite was "Switching your current account to [this bank] has never been easier. (Not long ago, you had to surrender your firstborn. Now we're content with the second.)"

At least I have an account now, after days of obstacle after obstacle (by the end, it felt like they were just making them up for fun). My landlordish has been very helpful. He made several phone calls to smooth things out for us.

Anyway, trips.

Total line: Glasgow-Edinburgh (three nights)-Perth-Aberdeen-Inverness-Carbisdale-Glenbrittle-Crianlarich. Photos are forthcoming, because I've only just started refiguring the online album (sort of), and also because I took 70-160 pictures per day until the last few days. It takes a while to find seven or eight to represent the whole.

The first will begin anon (with luck), as now I need to figure out appropriate formatting for that. Technologically adept? Not remotely.

I begin school on Tuesday. From then until the next Tuesday is the orientation week. Do you think I'm ready? I don't.

Oh, well. Scotland. 'Nuff said.

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