Thursday, September 11, 2008

Edinburgh and photo overload

Okay-so. Wandered along the Royal Mile yesterday--yes, it's touristy, but it's fun touristy--and made it to Edinburgh Castle. Various pictures of Edinburgh, including St. Giles' Cathedral:

Pictures of and from the castle:

And one more, though not from the castle:

We spent money.

Incidentally, the articulately-titled "pictoors" link on the right leads to my online photo album. Ish. Still trying to figure out how to work the thing.

Kinda like this thing.

So, we leave Edinburgh tomorrow morning, with any luck. We intend to see Stirling Castle and various other interests before settling down in Perth. The rest of the planning is beyond my ken, but it's highly probable that I won't have internet access until I return to Glasgow. And then I'll have a zillion pictures.

Speaking of which, my formatting nightmares mean that I keep losing ones from here. I'll figure it out eventually. Anyway, the album-thing has the rest of them. Be warned, though: some are very poor quality. And there are a lot.

So, ta 'til Glasgow.

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