Monday, September 8, 2008

Day One. Or Five, Whichever.

After various wireless issues, I have access of the internets. To blog.

For those who didn't Wiki it and pretend to have known all along (guilty on so many points), Scotland's over here, not over there. And Glasgow is in Scotland. Does that help?

It's seven hours' difference from High River, and the plane ride was about seven and a half. We left the ground at about 7 p.m. and landed at 9 a.m. Watched the aurora just east of Baffin Island. No photos, unfortunately, but I enjoyed it.

Glasgow is pretty. Very, very pretty. I could ramble about architecture for hours, but there'll be pictures in a couple weeks, when I eventually remember to carry my camera with me. We've explored quite a bit already; walked the road to the college twice - it's about four miles, give or take.

So for scheduling, here goes: tomorrow, Mom and I are leaving Glasgow and touring. Yes, we will be seeing Loch Ness, and no, I don't give a rip about the monster. We'll also be seeing the Isle of Skye, Edinburgh, and Loch Lomond. College begins two weeks from tomorrow. So there probably won't be many pictures for the next week and a half or so. But maybe.

In the meantime, this is me:

This is Glasgow:

And this is me in Glasgow:

1 comment:

DougM said...

Pretty city at the moment. Hope you get some good pictures from the Isle of Skye!! Hi to you and you mom
